How we can help

You have a vision! We have a way to get you there.

How we can help

Whether you are interested in Telemarketing services, integrated marketing campaigns or our full Marketing Automation platform our end goal is always the same, to generate you a steady flow of F2F Meetings and Sales Leads.

At Great Guns Marketing we work alongside business owners or as an extension to your Sales & marketing team. Our packages are extremely flexible and tailored to each individual customers needs. We offer short term contracts and work with companies on a part time basis from as little as 8 days per month.

When opting for our Full Marketing Automation service we can work on the platform fully or partially in the following areas

Platform set- up and deployment

Platform set- up and deployment

Combining our technical and marketing expertise we can ensure your marketing automation journey is on the correct path from the start.
Inbound Marketing strategy and Automated Systems

Inbound Marketing strategy and Automated Systems

We have a simple, structured & proven method to set up automated systems to nurture prospects through various channels.
Ongoing Platform development & marketing

Ongoing Platform development & marketing

Working closely with you we add new marketing material to the platform and build you a powerful marketing machine that generates a steady flow of sales qualified leads.
Staff Training

Staff Training

We can train up internal staff throughout the process allowing you to eventually become self-sufficient on the platform and our Inbound marketing strategies.

We are an agency partner with a local Reading based marketing automation software provider.

Benefits of using an agency partner

  • No set-up fee
  • Reduced monthly software cost
  • Discount on active contacts
  • Fully trained and certified staff
  • And most importantly our Platform experience and Marketing expertisend Marketing expertise
hubpost logo agency
Can I not just go directly to a Marketing Automation software provider ?

Yes you can but costs are cheaper via an agency. Also if you can imagine the software as a car, you will still need to learn how to drive it, have the knowledge to fix and tune the engine plus require a map to get you to your destination!

This has been a common occurrence over the past few years and companies thought the software was some sort of magic wand, its not and it needs work and experience.

We already use social media and send emails

Great, now let us start joining all the dots together by integrating these activities plus the rest of your marketing into a Marketing Automation platform allowing you to see exactly who these individuals are, what interaction they are having with your company and when.

Have you ever wondered what happened next to all those people who clicked on your marketing messages…?

Will you tie me into a long term contract ?

No, with all new clients we work on short term contracts. We understand our services may be completely new to some companies and you will have your reservations. This is why we don’t tie you into long term contracts plus you will also need to get a feel for whether there is synergy to work together.

Isn’t it just an expensive email tool ?

No, this is an entire sales & marketing platform, tracking and piecing together all marketing efforts whilst collaborating and automating all your daily activities giving you a full understanding of what is happening.

I thought software like this was only for larger enterprise companies ?

No, a few years ago maybe and the early adopters of the technology were mostly advanced organisations. The industry has since seen massive growth and like most upward trends price comes down and products become more accessible.

How quickly will I see results ?

You can expect to see initial results within the first 3-6 months, with more significant growth developing between 6-12 months.

For faster results we can add on Pay Per Click and paid social advertising to your strategy.

2 years from now, you will be wishing you had started today

Request a full system demo
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