B2B Lead Generation

B2B Lead Generation

Telemarketing is a highly effective and rewarding channel for B2B businesses to generate qualified sales leads, face-to-face appointments and to build and nurture a healthy sales pipeline. Great Guns increase this return on investment even further by integrating other services such as content, social, email and Linkedin marketing. Successful B2B lead generation is about quality as much as quantity. Great Guns have a large focus on quality, our customers convert an average of 1 in 4 of the sales appointments we generate into new business wins.

Our marketing team are our greatest asset; it is their knowledge, skill, experience and passion that drive results for our customers. Our telemarketers are mature and experienced B2B professionals. Working without the need for a scripted pitch but instead with a call guide and full knowledge of a clients company and services, so they may eloquently introduce and convey as an extension of our clients company.

Stage 1

Data Cleansing & Research

“35% of all company data becomes obsolete in less than a year”.  So it is vital to keep your data current and cleansed.

We qualify companies in or out! Focusing on the one’s with a genuine interest in your product gathering valuable information along the way.

  • Decision makers name, Job title, Direct telephone number, Email address, LinkedIn URL
  • Estimated annual spend & who they current use
  • Contract renewal date & new supplier process

Stage 2


Using industry leading technology and business intelligence tools we nurture, engage and track potential customers.

All our staff have the business acumen to engage eloquently without the need for a scripted pitch, asking the correct questions and establish a need and also have the ability to adapt their conversation ensuring we represent you in the most natural possible way.

It is at this stage of the process that we show our true talent, building relationships and gathering a pipeline of potential opportunities.

Stage 3

Lead Generation & Sales Appointment setting

We consistently deliver the following on a regular basis.

  • Face-to-face meetings
  • Webinars
  • Phone meetings
  • Demos
  • Passing hot leads to sales teams

We email over the call recording for every meeting we book.

Contact us now to find out more and arrange a full system demo.

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