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    The Buyers Journey has changed  forever According to research, buyers are interacting with sales people less and less. Research also shows that around the first 69% of the buying journey is done online before even speaking to a sales person. It doesn’t matter if the product or...

    What’s really driving successful marketing Technology is key to business growth and successful marketing. With technology, we are able to monitor the life of the sale, from the first contact with a lead to the closing. Marketing technology can engage the buyer, offering them precisely what...

    Marketing departments benefit from marketing Automation by, Capturing and analysing data from multiply sources within one single area Focusing on companies with an interest in your products/services Integrating marketing activities with sales to create a seamless experience for buyers Developing relationships from the very start of a...

    O2 is a leading provider of mobile and broadband services to consumers and businesses in the UK and is part of the Telefónica O2 Europe group. O2 is a standalone company having previously been owned by BT....

    Shipnet needed to outsource their appointment setting in order to save time and enhance efficiency, whilst growing their new business opportunities...

    Bank Brokers UK is the British arm of an international banking consultancy Group with offices across Northern Europe, including London, Oslo, Copenhagen, Gothenberg and Stockholm. Bank Brokers UK focuses on reducing the cost of corporate and commercial banking for British businesses whilst ensuring they are...

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